2T Water was one of the prime sponsors of the Mayor’s Ball in Augusta, GA to kick off the Masters Golf Tournament 2018. The makers of the first Biotin Water® joined several other brands to deliver a great event. The event featured NFL players, R&B Singers, Rock & Roll Bands, and many more. Master’s week is known to be the one week that belongs to Augusta, GA and the home of the Augusta National Golf Course, attracting celebrities of all kind far and wide. 2T Water announced earlier this year that it wants to become the “new-age beverage brand” of the southeast within the next 3 years. It has strategically partnered with an outside marketing company to help accomplish the short-term goal.
Maybe you’ve heard of them or maybe you haven’t, but 2T Water is definitely a company to watch. The tenacious brand has some upcoming partnerships that will bring its beverage products to more southeast residents. In a highly health conscious environment, 2T Water has been able to grow its customer base in the southeast while creating a solid distribution network for their products. Market data has shown that the south seems to have a lot of playing room for growth with with natural products. 2T Water hopes to carve out a nice share of the market with its upcoming revamped products and partnerships. “You also have to know when to pivot with the market and keep delivering products that matter to your customer’s healthy lifestyles. This year we are positioning our brand for the future with bigger and stronger partnerships, said Eric Wells, CEO.”
2T Water is a new age beverage company committed to introducing premium beverages that are made with the finest quality of water. It’s a health conscious company that focuses mainly on health beverages. For more information on Biotin Water® please visit us at www.2TWater.com or follow @2TWater on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.